Fenix Finance

Project Partners

  • Fenix
  • Blast
  • Algebra
  • Ichi
  • Merkl
  • hats finance

The Challenge

Duration of work: 4 months

People on the project: 2

Fenix Protocol incorporates the most efficient approaches in DeFi trading and is highly customizable.


  • Smart Contract Developer1
  • Product Manager1
  • Bohdan

    [Smart Contract Developer]

  • Lidiia


    [Product Manager]

What we use

  • Smart contracts

    Solidity, Hardhat, Algebra Protocol, Uniswap Protocol

  • Blockchain


  • Integrations

    Merkl, Ichi

Partnering with leading DeFi protocols, Aegas has delivered an efficient and flexible on-chain solution for Fenix ready to give Blast traders, liquidity providers and protocols access to a complete DeFi infrastructure stack all under one roof.

The Result

Successful token and DEX launch

Promoted and supported by Blast Network

Fenix is the complete AMM product that is at the forefront of liquidity technology and best-in-class user experience.