
nft launchpad development, intellectual property tokenization

The Challenge

Duration of work: 1 month

People on the project: 5

The traditional process of intellectual property licensing is cumbersome and takes too much time for both licensor and licensees. Through Blockchain and NFT intellectual property tokenization, both artists and manufacturers can reach an agreement in fast and straightforward manner. With iLicensing, the NFT license creation and purchase both take minutes, and smart contract protocol ensures the license usage and ownership terms.

nft launchpad development, intellectual property tokenization


  • Frontend Developer1
  • Backend Developer1
  • Solidity Developer1
  • DevOps1
  • UX / UI Designer1
  • frontend developer


    [Frontend Developer]

  • backend developer


    [Backend Developer]

  • smart contract developer


    [Solidity Developer]

  • devops engineer



  • ux ui designer


    [UX / UI Designer]

nft launchpad development, intellectual property tokenization

What we use

  • Frontend

    Vue.js, Ethers

  • Backend

    ASP.NET , Nethereum

  • Smart Contract


  • Blockchain


  • Design


  • DevOps

    AWS, Netlify

Aegas built a custom solution for iLicensing and used in-house built tools for blockchain state monitoring for changing the license state based on the the license status.

nft launchpad development, intellectual property tokenization

The Result

5 artists onboarded for pilot launch

24 arts tokenized

1428 NFT licenses created

Licensing for business and individual clients established

Aegas has enabled the iLicensing team to create the new NFT licenses automatically for artists. NFT licenses differ in usage specifics, such as products, themes, usage areas and the quantity for a specific type of NFT license. Through the platform, more than 1000 unique NFT licenses can be created in minutes with tailored metadata generation for each NFT.

intellectual property tokenization