SabreSwap is a token marketplace for the NFT projects coins that are not available anywhere else. Plenty of small projects launch their utility tokens without having enough liquidity. SabreSwap is a place to buy and sell such coins for ETH.

The Challenge
Duration of work: 9 days
People on the project: 5
The tight deadlines and budget were critical for the product launch, while the solution needed to be configurable enough so that the client could independently support new coins in the product and manage website content.

- Frontend Developer2
- Backend Developer1
- DevOps1
- Product Manager1
[Frontend Developer]
[Frontend Developer]
[Backend Developer]
[Product Manager]

What we use
Aegas built a decentralization-first solution that efficiently worked with blockchain events and aggregated them offchain for better user experience. We also used Prismic CMS for dynamic content management so client could be comfortable making changes without involving devs.

The Result
9 days from kick-off to live
Faith in outsourcing restored
The time to market of the project from the kick-off meeting to going live was 9 working days. Aegas delivered a decentralized application, listings and offers aggregation backend service, necessary infrastructure setup, and integrated CMS for dynamic content management.
Aegas helped support the launch and is continuing the work on the product features development. Together with Fueled on Bacon, Aegas proved that product development outsourcing can be trustworthy and efficient.