WalletInfo is a blockchain data aggregation tool providing a new perspective on wallets and connections between them. Discover net worth, assets, NFTs, trades, profit and loss of any wallet, all in one place. Find most frequent counteragents of wallet. Track and view multiple wallets at once. Completely free, running on Ethereum and Arbitrum One.

The Challenge
Duration of work: 2 months
People on the project: 9
Though the blockchain data is public, it's not easy to gather and analyse it in one place and truly understand the account activities. Blockchain explorer tools such as Etherscan collect the transactions data and assets belonging to an address, but it's still hard to seize the dynamics of account net worth, acknowledge what tokens the account is trading the most, what are the parties the account interacts with the most and what profits one makes from trading.
As most of the whales are operating with multiple accounts and wallets, looking at just a single address activity is not providing a full picture of actual operations made by the wallet owner.
WalletInfo is a tool that allows tracing the assets, net worth change, token trading activity, addresses interactions for a number or addresses at once and provides robust statistics on wallets activities on multiple chains.

- Frontend Developer2
- Backend Developer2
- DevOps1
- UX / UI Designer3
- Product Manager1
[Frontend Developer]
[Frontend Developer]
[Backend Developer]
[Backend Developer]
[UX / UI Designer]
[UX / UI Designer]
[UX / UI Designer]
[Product Manager]

What we use
Aegas team has efficiently implemented own solutions for blockchain indexing and data collection and combined them with multiple third-party data sources are used to gather the Ethereum account insights.

The Result
Ethereum Mainnet and Arbitrum One support
Analytics for multiple accounts at once
Robust blockchain data provision
WalletInfo combines blockchain explorer, blockchain indexer, blockchain aggregator and crypto tax tracker tools all in one service. Comparing to similar tools, WalletInfo provides a possibility to track transactions, trading activity, assets and create Profit and Loss reports based on several wallets at once.
With the help of WalletInfo, everyone can discover net worth, interactions and connections with other addresses and contract of any wallet on Ethereum Mainnet or Arbitrum one within a couple of minutes.